Born in Paris, Guy Voyer has been traveling the world since he was six months old. Throughout his childhood, his family moved every two years due to the demands of his father’s profession.
These frequent moves did not have a negative effect on him but rather helped him develop his ability to adapt and make friends throughout France and around the world.
At the age of eight, he would draw models of gymnasiums where he dreamed of becoming a great therapist, physiotherapist and sports trainer.
His dream came true: he has worked as a Phys. Ed. teacher, physiotherapist, with several medical specialization such as sports medicine, traumatology, psychological medicine, physical medicine and manual therapy.
However, it was in Osteopathy and training techniques research that he found his true passion.
His goal : to pass on his knowledge
After his osteopathic studies, he concentrated his research on the understanding and treatment of fasciae. Today he is one of the rare osteopaths who masters and treats fasciae. This is why he wants to pass on his knowledge.
To reach this goal, he has done extensive research in dissection and methodology (LOADS, MFS, 2TLS, etc.). He has also studied the art of teaching and received a Ph.D. in educational science.
Today, his two main areas of study, research and teaching are:
- Osteopathy through the treatment of fasciae, viscera, pelvic axes, hormone chains, pumping, sensory organs, etc.
- Somatotherapy through physical and sports training based on back techniques (LOADS), myofascial stretching (MFS), analytical muscle strengthening, targeted proprioception, etc.